Kinky college reunion in “Long Time Gone” by Heidi Champa

This is the fourth in a series of interviews with contributors to the anthology Please, Sir: Erotic Stories of Female Submission (Cleis Press), out now. (Read the first interview, with Emerald about kinky Krav Mag, here, the second, with Isabelle Gray, here, and the third, about a kinky college reunion, with Mercy Loomis, here.)

Name: Heidi Champa

How did you come up with the idea for your story in Please, Sir?

The notice for my ten-year college reunion had come in the mail, and I was struck with an idea for a story. I think there is always a certain amount of dread that goes along with reunions and seeing people from our pasts after many years. As I sat in a random ballroom and caught up with old friends, I started to think about all the stories that were in that room; all the secrets and late night encounters. It seemed like such fertile ground for a good, hot story. It seems I was right.

For “Long Time Gone,” I wanted to show how desire and compatibility can be rekindled after so many years apart, and how certain times in our lives can be so transforming, like the college years.

Was it a challenging story or did the writing come easily?

It started out easy, but I found that my original idea began to change. I probably rewrote this story more times than most, but in the end, I’m extremely pleased with the result. It was worth all the work, for sure. Sometimes, the stories that you think are going to be easy and just flow end up posing the most challenge. That was certainly the case here.

Do you have a favorite sentence or paragraph from your story?

I think this paragraph is hot and sets the tone for the whole story. Like people always say: it’s the little things.

I had unofficially met Ethan soon after arriving at school, barely exchanging a few words. It was his touch that hooked me. From the outside, it looked incidental. As I stood on the outskirts of the group, I didn’t notice a handcart full of books headed my way. I was too busy staring at him. Ethan pulled me out of the way, never missing a beat. His rough hands dug into my arms, and on one bicep, there was a thumb-shaped bruise the next day. I was fascinated. The tiny pinch of pain I felt every time I touched it caused my stomach to tighten and my heart to flutter. No kiss, no handholding had ever given me such a thrill. The bruise took over my mind. If a simple touch could leave me marked, what could he do if he really meant it?

I decided that “Risk and Reward” is an applicable theme for Please,
. Does this theme resonate with you for your story?

Absolutely. I think the entire relationship between Diana and Ethan is based on that very phenomenon. Diana takes a risk in listening to her desires for Ethan, and what giving herself over to those desires might mean. However, when she does just that, the reward is the fulfillment she so craved. Again, Diana takes a risk showing up for her reunion, in the hopes of seeing Ethan. She had put that part of her life behind her and went back to a sort of safe existence. Going back to that time in her life, and to Ethan, is a risk, but the rewards are just to great for her to pass up.

It is a concept that is very appealing to me, especially as an erotica writer, but also in other aspects of my life. This story really allowed me to explore that and take it to another level.

5)Is this story similar to or different from the other erotica you’ve written?

I’d say it is similar in style and voice to some of my previous work, but obviously, the subject matter isn’t something I’ve tackled a lot in the past. Power in relationships and more specifically in sex, is something that intrigues me, so it was a great chance for me to dig a little deeper into that dynamic and really have some fun with it.

What do you think makes an erotica story successful?

The building and developing of that lovely, delicious, almost unbearable tension between the characters is what I think makes an erotica story hot and ultimately successful. Good writing, strong character development and great turns of phrase don’t hurt either.

But, I want a story to transport me, slap me down on the bed (or backseat, or kitchen floor) right next to the characters and make me feel it. To me, if you can do that, even in a small way, then the story is successful.

Do you have any advice for budding erotica writers?

My advice would be to write as much as you can, write what turns you on, and be persistent if you want to get your stories published. It is so easy to get discouraged by rejection, but sometimes finding the right home for a story can take a long time. As long as you are writing what you love, I find the rest takes care of itself, it just may take longer than you want it to.

And, most importantly, check out Erotica Readers and Writers website. It has invaluable information and there is always something new.

What are you working on now?

I’m always working on several short stories that I hope will find there way into collections. I have stories coming soon in anthologies like Xcite Books Ultimate Spanking, Hard Working Men edited by Shane Allison, and Alison’s Wonderland edited by the wonderful Alison Tyler.

I do want to move on to some longer pieces, novella and my first novel. I’ve had the desire to write a novel for a long time now, and I’m trying to eliminate all my excuses so I’ll have to choice but to start writing.

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One Response to “Kinky college reunion in “Long Time Gone” by Heidi Champa”

  1. Being told what to do within kink, interview with Elizabeth Coldwell « Please, Sir: Erotic Stories of Female Submission blog Says:

    […] Being told what to do within kink, interview with Elizabeth Coldwell By rachelkb This is the fourth in a series of interviews with contributors to the anthology Please, Sir: Erotic Stories of Female Submission (Cleis Press), out now. (Read the first interview, with Emerald about kinky Krav Mag, here, the second, with Isabelle Gray, here, the third, about a kinky college reunion, with Mercy Loomis, here, and the fourth, about a kinky college reunion, with Heidi Champahere.) […]

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